Walk-In Wellness Testing

To make labwork more affordable and convenient, we have a Walk-in Wellness Program. Through this program, you can have select laboratory tests done at a discounted wellness screening prices, even without a physician's order. You'll receive your results via mail in five business days.

To get wellness tests, simply check in at the main desk at the hospital and tell them you're there for the Walk-In Wellness Program. In the lab, you'll select the tests you want, make your payment and get your blood drawn. It's that simple.

The Walk-In Wellness Program is open Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., as well as Saturdays between 7:30 and 11:30 a.m. You'll be asked for payment in cash, check or credit card as the wellness screening won't be processed with your health insurance. Need more information? Call the lab at (563) 578-2121 and reach these some commonly asked questions and answers:

  • What does it mean to consent to have my results on EPIC or my electronic medical record? CMH uses a system called EPIC to manage patients' medical records. If you want your wellness results to be private and not show up in your EPIC chart, you can simply choose "not consent" and the only results produced will be the report that is sent.
  • How would my results be sent to me? CMH sends results via mail, and you'll usually receive it within five business days at no additional cost. If you want to pick your results up at the front desk, let the lab personnel know.
  • What are the tests offered for Walk-in Wellness?
    • Basic Wellness Panel – includes blood counts, blood salts, blood sugar, cholesterol, kidney function tests and liver enzymes ($30)
    • Glucose ($10)
    • Complete Blood Count ($15)
    • Blood Typing ($15)
    • Hemoglobin A1c – diabetes monitoring ($25)
    • PSA – screening for prostate cancer ($25)
    • TSH – screening for thyroid conditions ($20)
    • Vitamin D level – essential for bone health ($40)
    • Hepatitis C ($30)
  • Are there any preparations I need to do before I get my blood drawn? If you want the Basic Wellness test done, CMH recommends fasting for 12 hours because testing includes your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In addition, abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to your blood draw.
  • How can I pay for my test(s)? Payment must be received at the time of service in cash, check or credit card. Insurance will not be billed.
  • What should I do after I get my results? Whether or not you want your results in EPIC, CMH recommends you set an appointment with your health care provider to discuss your tests. If you have a critical test result that needs to be addressed ASAP, hospital staff will contact you by phone so you can set up an appointment with your provider as soon as possible.
  • Is there a limit how many times I can have this done? There is no limit.
  • If I don't have insurance and would like a cheaper alternative to get my blood work done, would Walk-in Wellness be a good option? Of course. Talk to your provider first and get advice on the tests you should select.

Download Walk-In Wellness Lab Testing Request & Consent Form (PDF)